I am super excited to share with you that I am expanding my popular Forget Me Not (FMN) class to include additional online options to better service your needs!
Please join me for my monthly Forget Me Not (FMN) card class so you have fabulous cards throughout the year for any occasion! Each month we create shareable works of art featuring a variety of Stampin’ Up! products with great layouts, fun folds & techniques you will not want to miss.
There are now 2 online club options. There are so many great perks with each subscription option so be sure to check out all the perks outlined in the member benefits.
- Product-based subscription where your membership is FREE with your monthly club purchase. This option is only available in the US. Click the link below for full membership details.
Online Product Club
- Tutorial club. I am happy to announce this option is available globally. Click the link below for full membership details.
Online Tutorial Club
All tutorials are for your personal use only as part of your membership and I do kindly ask that you not share them with others as I put an enormous amount of effort into each of the tutorials. Fellow Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators may CASE the projects for events you’re holding as a demonstrator, however I request you share the credit with me as your inspiration. Please know you are not allowed to distribute the tutorials or information as your own or to class participants. Thank you for respecting these guidelines. Enjoy!
Did You Know?
My Diemonds Demonstrator Team also has access to the FMN Stamp Club members’ private facebook group page FREE! If your wish list is over $99, you may want to JOIN MY TEAM. Click here for more details on joining my team.
Questions? Contact me today at wendy@creativeleeyours.com
CreativeLee Yours,

- Join my Stampin’ Up!® Diemonds team and get the awesome customizable starter kit HERE. It’s the best bundle ever!
- Join my Online FMN Stamp Club and create shareable works of art featuring a variety of Stampin’ Up! products with great layouts, fun folds & techniques you will not want to miss HERE
- Follow my blog by email and receive a FREE PDF tutorial when you subscribe to my daily blog updates and monthly newsletter HERE.
- Join Paper Pumpkin and get FREE BONUS PDF Tutorials with alternate projects each month.
- Earn Exclusive BONUS tutorials and FREE stamps with my rewards program. CLICK HERE for details.
- Go SHOPPING for your favorite Stampin’ Up!® products HERE.