Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

In April 2017 I rented a van and drove myself and seven of my Diemonds team members to Stampin’ Up!s OnStage event in Richmond, VA. Attending these events are just one of the great perks of being a demonstrator.

We all had a really fun road trip and I thought I would share a few pics I took.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

Here are the ladies (Betsy, Jennifer, Stephanie, Jenn, Carol and Sheila) loaded in the back of the van ready to leave.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

Nancy all ready to be the co-pilot. Nancy coordinated a fun stamping bingo game we played while we were traveling.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

I am ready to pull out of the driveway for our big adventure.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

On Friday night I attended the exclusive Centre Stage leadership night and got to catch up with a few friends I had not seen in awhile.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

My friend Mindy and I met up with a couple of new ladies to join us at our table for dinner.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

The tables were all nicely decorated and there was a lovely cheese plate for us to snack on during the business presentation.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

After the business training we were served a plated dinner. Doesn’t the salad look yummy? I must have gotten sidetracked with eating as I forgot to take pics of each of the other plates :).

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

Before we left for the evening, each attendee was given a little gift that included a new stamp set and cute apron.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

On Saturday morning we all went over to the main event. Several ladies jumped right into swapping before the event kicked off.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

The day was packed full. We received the new 2017-2018 catalog , got to see several presentations on the new products coming our way and even had an opportunity to create a few make-n-takes with some of the new products.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

Several times through out the day, Stampin’ Up! gave away some of the new catalog products by doing prize patrols.

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

Everyone at our tables won a new stamp set!

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

Don’t they all look excited with their new prize?

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

When the day was over we all piled back in the van and I drove us home safe and sound. It was such a pleasure to travel with these ladies.

Here is a pic of all the goodies I brought home from the event. Lots of great items!

Stampin Up On Stage Event April 2017, Diemonds team, #creativeleeyours,wendy lee

We all got so many great ideas and are super excited about the 2017-2018 catalog that will start June 1st.

Want to get you hands on some of the new products now? Join my Diemonds team and choose brand new products from the upcoming catalog in your starter kit!

DiemondsTeamLogo, Stampin Up,#creativeleeyours, creatively yours

It’s a great time of year to join my Stampin’ Up! Diemonds team!

You can get your hands on great new the products when you join my team by signing up as a demonstrator anytime 24/7 on my website by clicking JOIN THE FUN.

  • The starter kit is $99 and is fully customizable
    • the kit includes $125 US worth of products of your choice plus $65 worth of business supplies
    • those that join during May will get a box of the current 2016-2017 catalogs as well as a box of the upcoming 2017-2018 catalog.
  • A 20 percent discount on all your orders (when you reach your 1st level promotion this will increase to 25%!)
  • Demonstrator Business Website (DBWS) FREE for 2 months.
  • Access to our demonstrator only community
  • Our exclusive Stampin’ Success magazine (comes in the mail each quarter)
  • Our energizing Stampin’ Up! events
  • And much, much more!

Contact me today to join my Diemonds team!

CreativeLee Yours,

Wendy Lee,




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